GQ insider

GQ insider

SiKaR BoYz cLub & Michael Collins Irish Whiskey


There is always a good time to be had by all when you get the SiKaR BoYz cLuB together with a great spirit.

Micheal Collins Whiskey:
  "refined blend of double-distilled malt Irish whiskey and grain Irish whiskey, carefully blended to be well-balanced and flavorful"

It was a surprise to find how many Irish Whiskey Drinkers we had in the club and were very knowledgeable on the spirit. Many had not tasted Michael Collins and found it a easy drink. 

Club Members tasted:
Regular, $35: great taste easy to taste Mixed with coke and, get this, a dash of cranberry a GREAT drink!

10 year old, $48:  VERY, Smooth, well defined. We drank it neat.

Rating: I give it 3.9 Cowboy hats out of 5


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