GQ insider

GQ insider

Check your Portfolio (Social Media Portfolio that is)

In today's business environment we continually hear how crucial it is to have a current Social Media portfolio but be cautious with it as well. Check this article in the NY Times
"According to a new study conducted by Harris Interactive for, 45 percent of employers questioned are using social networks to screen job candidates — more than double from a year earlier, when a similar survey found that just 22 percent of supervisors were researching potential hires on social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. "
Everyone is going "willy, nilly on the internet these days "(that's an old net-zero commericial, very funny) saying and posting anything they feel; pictures of them kegging or chugging massive amounts of "frost beverages", FB post about how much their boss sucks A$$, tweeting during a meeting (my favorites). It's not the Milleneials (1977-1998), who are tech savvy, it's Generation X (1965-1976) the new 30 year olds. People have forgot the power of the internet and how it can help or harm you, everything you post is here basically forever.

These are the most current popular sites:
I don't have to tell you to be careful what you say or not to accept friend request from people at work that you don't REALLY know. why not you ask, well one day, if you job doesn't have filters they will open up the picture of you drunk as a skunk at their desk as your boss is walking by. Or how if your tweets are not protected someone from the office will email the tweet (yes that's an option) to your that same boss. 

My advice, get active in social media find out how to talk in 140 characters or less, use it to build up your personal brand, expand your talents, get new customers. It's here, it's growing so its time for you to "Check your portfolio"

As my friend Darrion says "you don't have to sag to show your tail"

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